
Our customers experience with our Lumeurias products

Since I was 15 I have been plagued by unknown skin issues. Over the years it slowly spread outwards and to other parts of my body. Visit’s to GP’s, Specialists and natural healers were natural healers were unproductive. Every product I have tried has given little to no relief from the incessant itch that was a constant drain on my attention. The summer months were the worst. Working on basic chores like mowing the lawn had become painful. 2020 it reached a level close to unbearable. Having taken over most of the surface area on my chest, shoulders and back, spots began to show up on my face. Before it was bearable and could be hidden but now it was affecting my every day life. Work, relationships with my family, friends and partner were in an all time low. I stopped going places like beaches and pools and gatherings. I had run out of options and accepted that this was how it was going to be. Until a friend gifted me with a product named “Lumeurias – Celestial Energy Body Scrub” for Christmas 2020. I first noticed the constant itch had lessened and the discolouration on my skin was receding. As of the end of March 2021 I can take my shirt off without feeling self-conscious. I can think more clearly at work, play with my daughter do everyday activities people take for granted. I mean I know the product hasn’t cured my infection but my skin has recovered and the constant itch has buggered off. My skin looks like skin again, instead of a crocodiles ball sack. I am now 47yo and I have my life back again and I’m going to enjoy it.


Customer Testimonials

Since I was 15 I have been plagued by unknown skin issues. Over the years it slowly spread outwards and to other parts of my body. Visit’s to GP’s, Specialists and natural healers were natural healers were unproductive. Every product I have tried has given little to no relief from the incessant itch that was a constant drain on my attention. The summer months were the worst. Working on basic chores like mowing the lawn had become painful. 2020 it reached a level close to unbearable. Having taken over most of the surface area on my chest, shoulders and back, spots began to show up on my face. Before it was bearable and could be hidden but now it was affecting my every day life. Work, relationships with my family, friends and partner were in an all time low. I stopped going places like beaches and pools and gatherings. I had run out of options and accepted that this was how it was going to be. Until a friend gifted me with a product named “Lumeurias – Celestial Energy Body Scrub” for Christmas 2020. I first noticed the constant itch had lessened and the discolouration on my skin was receding. As of the end of March 2021 I can take my shirt off without feeling self-conscious. I can think more clearly at work, play with my daughter do everyday activities people take for granted. I mean I know the product hasn’t cured my infection but my skin has recovered and the constant itch has buggered off. My skin looks like skin again, instead of a crocodiles ball sack. I am now 47yo and I have my life back again and I’m going to enjoy it.


Customer Testimonials

Since I was 15 I have been plagued by unknown skin issues. Over the years it slowly spread outwards and to other parts of my body. Visit’s to GP’s, Specialists and natural healers were natural healers were unproductive. Every product I have tried has given little to no relief from the incessant itch that was a constant drain on my attention. The summer months were the worst. Working on basic chores like mowing the lawn had become painful. 2020 it reached a level close to unbearable. Having taken over most of the surface area on my chest, shoulders and back, spots began to show up on my face. Before it was bearable and could be hidden but now it was affecting my every day life. Work, relationships with my family, friends and partner were in an all time low. I stopped going places like beaches and pools and gatherings. I had run out of options and accepted that this was how it was going to be. Until a friend gifted me with a product named “Lumeurias – Celestial Energy Body Scrub” for Christmas 2020. I first noticed the constant itch had lessened and the discolouration on my skin was receding. As of the end of March 2021 I can take my shirt off without feeling self-conscious. I can think more clearly at work, play with my daughter do everyday activities people take for granted. I mean I know the product hasn’t cured my infection but my skin has recovered and the constant itch has buggered off. My skin looks like skin again, instead of a crocodiles ball sack. I am now 47yo and I have my life back again and I’m going to enjoy it.



face scrub results

JODI TESTIMONIAL FOR Enlightened Soul face scrub

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